XRPL Boosted by RippleX with Latest Software Upgrade Version 2.0.1 Unveiled

RippleX Unveils Enhanced XRP Ledger (XRPL) with Version 2.0.1 Software Upgrade

Jan 31, 2024
Read in 2 mins

RippleX introduces bug fixes and improvements in the latest rippled release for XRP Ledger, marking a major milestone with band protocol integration.

RippleX has announced the release of a significant software upgrade for XRP Ledger (XRPL), introducing rippled (XRP Ledger Server) Version 2.0.1. The announcement was made on X, previously known as Twitter.

The new release, "Rippled (XRP Ledger Server) Version 2.0.1," addresses several bugs, although it does not introduce any new features compared to Version 2.0.0. The upgrade rectifies an issue of unbounded memory growth when executing the path_find command. It also resolves a bug that occasionally resulted in online deletion, leading to delays in persisting records to disk. Furthermore, an assert that could occur under heavy load from unprivileged WebSocket connections has been fixed.



The upgrade also brings several improvements, including enhanced lifetime management of ledger objects (SLEs) to prevent excessive memory usage. The release includes an update to the help message about unit test-suite pattern matching and reverts asynchronously written batches to NuDB. Broken links in the documentation have also been fixed.

Earlier this week, XRPL achieved a significant milestone with the integration of Band Protocol as its first Oracle provider. This partnership establishes Band Protocol as the primary oracle provider for both XRPL's mainnet and its EVM sidechain. The Band Protocol Oracle has officially been activated on the XRP Ledger EVM sidechain testnet, marking a significant achievement.

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